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Tutorial A7 Glitch Buffer Attacks

3,670 bytes removed, 02:57, 6 November 2017
Appendix: Setup Script
The following script is used to set up the ChipWhisperer-Lite with all of the necessary settings:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, NewAE Technology Inc
# All rights reserved.
# Authors: Colin O'Flynn, Greg d'Eon
# Find this and more at - this file is part of the chipwhisperer
# project,
# This file is part of chipwhisperer.
# chipwhisperer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# chipwhisperer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with chipwhisperer. If not, see <>.
import sysimport chipwhisperer.capture.ui.CWCaptureGUI as cwcfrom chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPIfrom chipwhisperer.common.scripts.base import UserScriptBasefrom chipwhisperer.common.utils.parameter import Parameter # Check for PySideGUI compatibility
from PySide.QtCore import * from PySide.QtGui import *except ImportError: print "ERROR: PySide is required for this program" sys.exit() class UserScript(UserScriptBase): def __init__(scope = self, api): super(UserScript, self).__init__(api)scope def run(self): #User commands here print "***** Starting User Script *****" # Set up board and target = self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Scope Module', 'ChipWhisperer/OpenADC'])target self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Trace Format', 'ChipWhisperer/Native']) self.api.setParameter(['Generic Settings', 'Target Module', 'Simple Serial']) self.api.connect()  # Fill in our other settings lstexample = [['OpenADC', 'Gain Setting', 'Mode', 'high'], ['OpenADC', 'Gain Setting', 'Setting', 30], ['OpenADC', 'Trigger Setup', 'Mode', 'rising edge'], ['OpenADC', 'Trigger Setup', 'Total Samples', 500], ['OpenADC', 'Trigger Setup', 'Offset', 0], ['OpenADC', 'Clock Setup', 'CLKGEN Settings', 'Divide', 26], ['OpenADC', 'Clock Setup', 'CLKGEN Settings', 'Multiply', 2], ['OpenADC', 'Clock Setup', 'ADC Clock', 'Source', 'CLKGEN x4 via DCM'], ['OpenADC', 'Clock Setup', 'ADC Clock', 'Reset ADC DCM', None], ['CW Extra Settings', 'Target HS IO-Out', 'CLKGEN'], ['CW Extra Settings', 'Target IOn Pins', 'Target IO2', 'Serial TXD'], ['CW Extra Settings', 'Target IOn Pins', 'Target IO1', 'Serial RXD'], ['Glitch Module', 'Clock Source', 'CLKGEN'], ['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Width (as % of period)', 3.0], ['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Offset (as % of period)', -5.0], ['Glitch Module', 'Glitch Trigger', 'Ext Triggerexcept NameError:Single-Shot'], ['Glitch Module', 'Ext Trigger Offset', 68], ['Simple Serial', 'Go Command', u'p516261276720736265747267206762206f686c207a76797821\\n'], ['Simple Serial', 'Output Format', u''], ['Simple Serial', 'Load Key Command', u''], ]  # NOTE: For IV: offset = 70000 #Download all hardware setup parameters for cmd in lstexample: self.api.setParameter(cmd) pass
# Try a couple of capturesscope.glitch.clk_src = 'clkgen'scope.glitch.ext_offset = 68scope.glitch.width = 3.0scope.glitch.offset = -5.0 selfscope.apiglitch.capture1()trigger_src = "ext_single"
print scope.gain.gain = 45scope.adc.samples = 500scope.adc.offset = 0scope.adc.basic_mode = "***** Ending User Script *****rising_edge"scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 7370000scope.clock.adc_src = "clkgen_x4"scope.trigger.triggers = "tio4" = "serial_rx" = "serial_tx" = "glitch"
target.go_cmd = ""
target.key_cmd = ""
target.output_cmd = "p516261276720736265747267206762206f686c207a76797821\\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run the program
app = cwc.makeApplication()
Parameter.usePyQtGraph = True
api = CWCoreAPI()
gui = cwc.CWCaptureGUI(api)
# Run our program and let the GUI take over
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