3,074 bytes added,
16:38, 16 November 2018 <span class="expandall"></span>
This page describes how to install the ChipWhisperer software.
There are five ways to set up ChipWhisperer:
* '''VMWare Virtual Machine:''' Get a pre-prepared virtual machine image with all of the required tools already installed. ''Recommended for beginners.''
* '''Windows Installer''' Get a Windows binary that installs the ChipWhisperer repository to your computer. Does not include WinAVR compiler.
* '''ChipWhisperer Releases:''' Get a zip file with the latest stable ChipWhisperer code and run it on your own environment.
* '''PyPi Package:''' <code>pip install chipwhisperer</code>. Only includes the software - doesn't come with the hardware source files, drivers, or example firmware.
* '''Git Repository:''' Get the latest, bleeding-edge features and bugs. Recommended if you're an experienced developer and you want to contribute to ChipWhisperer.
'''NOTE TO USERS WITH AN ARM TARGET:''' To build firmware, you'll need the GNU Embedded Toolchain For ARM. This is included with the VM. Otherwise please see '''Installing ARM Toolchain''' at the bottom of the page.
{{Warningbox|If you are installing 64-bit Python rather than 32-bit, and the ChipWhisperer software's graph widget's axis disappear, the fix is this: ''pip uninstall pyside'' and then ''pip install https://download.qt.io/official_releases/pyside/PySide-1.2.2-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl''. This uninstalls the current pyside package and installs the official QT Pyside package.}}
{{Warningbox|You may need to add ''--trusted-host pypi.python.org'' to the ''pip install'' command to allow HTTP connections. This is done as follows for example: ''sudo pip install --trusted-host pypi.python.org pyusb''}}
|intro = === Using VMWare Virtual Machine ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Using VMWare Virtual Machine}}
|intro = === Automatic Windows Installer ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Windows Installer}}
|intro= === Manual Install - Windows ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Required Tools - Windows}}
|intro= === Manual Install - Linux ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Required Tools - Linux}}
|intro= === Manual Install - Mac OS X ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Required Tools - Mac OS X}}
|intro= === Installing ChipWhisperer from Releases ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Installing ChipWhisperer from Releases}}
|intro= === Installing ChipWhisperer from PyPi ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Installing ChipWhisperer from PyPi}}
|intro= === Installing ChipWhisperer from Git ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Installing ChipWhisperer from Git}}
|intro= === Installing ARM Toolchain ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Installing_ARM_Toolchain}}
<!-- {{CollapsibleSection
|intro= === Quick Tests ===
|content= Installing ChipWhisperer/Quick Tests}}