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<strong> ChipWhisperer® by NewAE Technology Inc. </strong>
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== WARNING: This wiki is now deprecated, as of August 2020. Product documentation is moved to ==
Welcome to ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks. This is the main landing page for ChipWhisperer. ChipWhisperer has been presented at conferences such as DEFCON and Blackhat, had a [ successful Kickstarter (that delivered ahead of schedule)], and placed 2nd place in the first annual Hackaday Prize. ChipWhisperer has been used in a number of academic articles, and is featured in the Car Hacking Handbook. Portions of the design have even been used by [ Los Alamos Labs for an electron accelerator]. You can see a full list of references on the [[Press]] page.
ChipWhisperer is maintained by [ NewAE Technology Inc.], which sells a combination of open-source hardware, supporting tools, training, and consulting services. ChipWhisperer is trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the US and , Europe, and China. This means only NewAE can sell official products under the ChipWhisperer name, and was done to ensure products meet [[Quality Control Guidelines]], as these fairly complex products require good testing to ensure you don't have a frustrating experience.
Beyond supporting just the ChipWhisperer project, this wiki is now growing towards the objective of offering a complete reference on embedded security.
= Getting Started ='''NOTE1: ChipWhisperer V5 is here! CW4 tutorials are available via links on the wiki tutorial pages. CW4 info is available at [[CW4]]'''
Where to begin? If you're new to this area, see the [[Getting Started]] page, which details how you can get involved in side-channel power analysis. From there you can see the hardware documentation (linked below), or take one of the [ Training Courses].
If you're stuck, you can also get help on the [ Discussion Forum].
= Hardware Documentation =
{{Template:Hardware}}== Getting Started ==
= Software Documentation =Confused on where to begin? If you're new to this area, see the [[V5:Getting Started]] page, which details how you can get involved in side-channel power analysis. From there you can see the hardware documentation (linked below), or take one of the [ Training Courses].
ChipWhisperer is an open-source project. All of the source code is available from If you're stuck, you can also get help on the [ Git Repository]. For more information about the software releases, see [ Releases] or the installation instructions at [[Installing ChipWhisperer]Discussion Forum].
The following pages document some of the many features of the ChipWhisperer Capture and Analyzer software, along with some other ChipWhisperer interfaces:== Hardware Documentation ==
* [[Installing ChipWhisperer]]* [[Common Tool Information]]** [[Making Scripts]]** [[Adding Modules/Parameters]]* [[CW-Capture Tool]]** [[Glitch Explorer]]** [[Serial Terminal]]* [[CW-Analyzer Tool]]* [[File Formats]]* [[MATLAB Control of CW-Lite]]{{Template:Hardware}}
The remaining documentation is intended for developers:== Software Documentation ==
* ChipWhisperer is an open-source project. All of the source code is available from the [[Error Messages https:/ Common Problems/ Git Repository]]* . Documentation is available on our [[FPGA Details]]* [[CW Release Steps] Read the Docs page].
= Sample Projects and Tutorials =For more information about the software releases, see [ Releases] or the [ installation instructions].
== ChipWhisperer Sample Projects and Tutorials ==
The following tutorials use the ChipWhisperer software andTutorials are implemented using Jupyter Notebooks, available in our [https:/or hardware/github. They are designed to take you through a complete attackcom/newaetech/chipwhisperer-jupyter chipwhisperer-jupyter submodule]. You may can also want to check find completed versions of the page tutorials on [[Embedded Attacks]] for more snippets of simple attacks and other things you should verify when making a secure systemhttps://chipwhispererNot all are possible with all hardware. See html Read the various tutorial pages for detailsDocs].
=== Example Attacks / Other ===
While ChipWhisperer started as a side-channel power analysis platform, it has grown to be useful in other attack types. This section is designed to show you a wide variety of attacks on embedded systems, to give you an idea of what is required for building secure embedded systems. These are held on the page [[Embedded Attacks]].
In 2016, ChipWhisperer was used as part of the CHES2016 CTF challenge. See details of the event on the [[CHES2016 CTF]] page.
= Recent/Upcoming Events =See what ChipWhisperer has been used for in the "real world" by reading some [[Academic Papers]] about research using ChipWhisperer.
== Recent/Upcoming events with NewAEEvents == Upcomming Events:* Blackhat USA 2017 (NewAE is not physically attending any events in 2020. As of August 2020 this wiki is deprecated, future announcements will be on [ Hands-on Power Analysis & Glitching with the ChipWhisperercom])
These are some past events that were attended by someone from NewAE:
* Embedded World 2020: Exhibit Booth (we were there as a hold-out even with cancellations!)
* Arm TechCon 2019: Exhibit booth!
* [] event in November - California 4-day training.
* Embedded World 2019: Exhibit Booth
* Black Hat USA 2018: Training, Arsenal Demo
* [ CHES 2018]: Sponsor with exhibit booth
* [] event in April - Maryland 4-day training.
* Embedded World 2018: Exhibit Booth
* [] event on November 6-9th in San Francisco, running security training
* [ CHES 2017]: Gold sponsor with exhibit booth
* Blackhat USA 2017 ([ Hands-on Power Analysis & Glitching with the ChipWhisperer])
* COSADE 2017: Gold sponsor
* Blackhat USA 2016: Training based on ChipWhisperer, 2x talks by Colin, Arsenal
* CHES 2016: Sponsor with exhibit booth
* Blackhat Abu Dhabi 2012
== Extra Notes ==
See the page [[Thanks]] for a note about the people who made this project possible.
ChipWhisperer is a Trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the U.S , the European Union, and EuropeChina. Used  ChipSHOUTER is a Trademark of NewAE Technology Inc., registered in the European Union. Trademarks used with Permissionpermission.
Approved_users, administrator

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