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V5:Installing ChipWhisperer/Required Tools - Windows

178 bytes added, 16:36, 13 May 2019
no edit summary
==== Installing Arm Toolchain ====
To be able to build firmware for ARM Targets, you'll need to install the GNU Toolchain for ARM Devices. An installer for Windows and archives for Linux/Windows can be found [ here]. Make sure you install the 2018-q2 version of the software, as 2018-q4 has a bug that prevents compiling. If you use the installer, make sure the "Add path to environment variable", "Add registry information", and "Launch gccvar.bat" boxes are ticked. Otherwise, you'll need to add the compiler to your path as with avr-gcc.
Once you've done this, open a terminal and type <code>arm-none-eabi-gcc</code>. If this fails, you'll need to add the toolchain to your path manually.
This doesn't install make like WinAVR does, so if you haven't installed that, you'll need to on your own (the easiest way is just to install WinAVR as well).
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