
Revision as of 09:05, 21 February 2018 by Fheubach (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 09:05, 21 February 2018 by Fheubach (Talk | contribs)

ChipWhisperer V3.5 to V4.0

ChipWhisperer software release V4.0.0 has drastically changed the API and interface. The V4.0.0 architecture tries to open up the program internals, and force you (the user) to use the API instead of clicking buttons. While it's a little harder to get started, it's MUCH easier to perform complex tasks, or even to use the command line for interactive work.

The "example scripts" and "glitch explorer" have all been replaced with true Python scripts. You write small (or large) snippets of code, and run those code to perform automated tasks.

If you have used ChipWhisperer before see Tutorial_B5_Breaking_AES_(Straightforward) for a quick overview of how things changed.

Analyzer Changes

The analyzer interface looks different. Most noteably:

  • The "Attack" button is disabled (will be re-enabled once better integrated). Instead you just run a script which explicitly configures things.
  • The GUI does not affect the actual script being run. You can view settings from the GUI, but you must manually copy things into the scripts.

Example Scripts

Example scripts are located in the following directories:


Glitch Explorer

The Glitch Explorer has drastically changed in 4.0.0. Previously the Glitch Explorer used the "Scripting" interface and relied on you specifying some arbitrary data to change. Now instead you define a Python function that changes the glitch parameters, and use the existing "auxiliary" links to execute the functions.

API Changes

The ChipWhisperer is moving towards a "sane" API. This means that now for example you can inspect the value of a "scope" object, and it will print all current settings:
>>> scope
cwlite Device
gain = 
    mode = low
    gain = 45
    db   = 22.50390625
adc = 
    state      = False
    basic_mode = rising_edge
    timeout    = 4.0
    offset     = 0
    presamples = 0
    samples    = 3000
    decimate   = 1
    trig_count = 8
clock = 
    adc_src       = clkgen_x4
    adc_phase     = 0
    adc_freq      = 29538459
    adc_rate      = 29538459
    adc_locked    = True
    freq_ctr      = 0
    freq_ctr_src  = extclk
    clkgen_src    = system
    extclk_freq   = 10000000
    clkgen_mul    = 2
    clkgen_div    = 26
    clkgen_freq   = 7384615
    clkgen_locked = True
trigger = 
    triggers = tio4
    module   = basic
io = 
    tio1       = serial_rx
    tio2       = serial_tx
    tio3       = high_z
    tio4       = high_z
    pdid       = high_z
    pdic       = high_z
    nrst       = high_z
    glitch_hp  = 0
    glitch_lp  = 0
    extclk_src = hs1
    hs2        = glitch
    target_pwr = True
glitch = 
    clk_src     = clkgen
    width       = 5.078125
    width_fine  = 0
    offset      = -7.03125
    offset_fine = 0
    trigger_src = ext_single
    arm_timing  = after_scope
    ext_offset  = 20
    repeat      = 4
    output      = clock_xor
It also allows you to now modify settings via simple set statements:
>>> = False
>>> = True
>>> scope.clock.clkgen_freq = 4E6

Using ChipWhisperer without the GUI

Find scripting examples of how to use ChipWhisperer as python module