
Tutorial CW305-1 Building a Project

59 bytes added, 17:08, 16 January 2017
Opening the Project
== Opening the Project ==
The first thing we'll need is [ Xilinx Vivado HLx], which is their FGPA design software. The fully featured versions of this software require a $3000+ license. However, the WEBPACK version is free, with the limitation that it can only be used with 4 families of devices (including the Artix-7). This is a huge download, so get it started while you read.
To get us startedFor this tutorial, a pre-existing AES-128 encryption example is waiting for us deep inside the ChipWhisperer repository. You can find this at <code>chipwhisperer\hardware\victims\cw305_artixtarget\fpga\vivado_examples\aes128_verilog</code>. There are a couple of files and directories here:
* <code>aes128_verilog.xpr</code> is the project file. You can open this project using Vivado.