Progress save, for complete tutorial rewrite for cw4.0
{{Warningbox|For the older V3.x tools, see [[V3:Tutorial A3 VCC Glitch Attacks]]}}
This advanced tutorial will demonstrate power glitch attacks using the ChipWhisperer system.
== Background on VCC (Power) Glitching ==
If using a target with only a single SMA, only connect the ''Glitch'' port. The measure port is optional to allow you to monitor the VCC line as you are inserting the glitch.
== Setting up Glitch Example ==
=== Software Setup ===
<ol style="list-style-type> <li> <p>Select the <code>connect_simpleserial.py</code> script</p> <p>[[File: decimal;"connect_script.png|400px]]</p> </li> <li> <p>Connect to Run the ChipWhisperer device<code>connect_simpleserial.py</code> script, by pressing the <b>Run</b> button</p> <p>[[File:connect_script_preview.png|400px]]</p> <blockquote/li> <ol style="list-style-typeli> <p>Setup up the settings by running the appropriate setup script for your device</p> <p>[[File: decimal;"setup_script_xmega.png|400px]]</p> </li>As <li> <p>Run the ''Scope Module''setup script by pressing the run button, select if you want to see what parameters the ''ChipWhispererscript changes, inspect the preview</OpenADC'' optionp> <p>[[File:setup_preview_xmega.png|400px]]</p> </li> <li>As <p>Open the appropriate programmer from top main menu ''Target ModuleTools'', select and in the dialog press ''Simple SerialCheck Signature'' optionto verify you can connect to the target</p> <p>[[File:xmega_programmer.png|400px]]</p> </li> <li>Switch to <p>Find the ''Scope Settings'' tabcorrect firmware file, and as previously compiled for the ''connection''target you are using, select and press the ''ChipWhisperer Rev2Erase/Program/Verify FLASH'' or ''ChipWhisperer-Lite'' option</p> <p>[[File:xmega_programmer_press_program.png|400px]]</p> </li> <li>Switch <p>Time to setup the voltage glitching parameters. Start with the ''Target SettingsGlitch Module'' tab, and as section under the ''connectionScope Settings'', select tab</p> <ol> <li>For the ChipWhisperer-Lite (CW1173/CW1180), set ''ChipWhisperer Rev2Target HS IO-Out'' or option to ''ChipWhisperer-LiteCLKGEN'' option.</li> <li>Run connect on both the Scope & Target. They should both switch to green circles indicating the system is connected. </lip>Set the ''Clock Source'' as ''CLKGEN'':</olp> </blockquoteli> </liol>
<li><p>Setup the CLKGEN Module to Generate a 7.37 MHz clock and route it through the Glitch Generator</p>
<blockquote><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;">
<blockquote><ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>For the ChipWhisperer-Lite (CW1173/CW1180), set ''Target HS IO-Out'' option to ''CLKGEN''.</li>
<li><p>Connect the Serial Port</p>
<blockquote><ol style="list-style-type: decimal;">