
Installing ChipWhisperer/Using VMWare Virtual Machine

80 bytes removed, 12:49, 14 May 2018
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# Install the [ VMWare Player software] (free). Note that this program is available for Windows and Linux - if you're running a Mac, you're out of luck.
# Download a ChipWhisperer virtual machine image release. The current Look for the latest release with a VM image is [ v3.2.0]1 as of now).# Unzip the VMWare image and open the file <code>ChipWhisperer Lubuntu 32-bitxxxxx.vmx</code> in VMWare Player.
Once you've opened this, you may want the latest version of the ChipWhisperer software - the version packaged with the VM image could be quite old. To do this, open LXTerminal in Ubuntu and run the following commands:
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