
Tutorial B1 Building a SimpleSerial Project

43 bytes removed, 17:21, 16 May 2016
Communicating from CW-Capture Software
<p>Note the programmer dialog not only shows the successful programming status, but also shows when the <code>.hex</code> file was last modified. Always confirm this matches with when you last remember compiling the program -- if it is widely different this suggests you have selected the wrong file!</p>
<p>Finally we can check communications with the programmed file:</p></li></ol>
<ol start="17" style="list-style-type: decimal;">
<li>Close the XMEGA programmer dialog, and switch to the ''General Settings'' tab.</li><li>Hit the ''Open the status monitor under <i>Tools > Encryption Status Monitor'' button</i>.</li>
<li>Resize the monitor window. The monitor will show sent &amp; received data to the target.</li>
<li>Hit the ''Run 1'' button. You may have to hit it a few times, as the very first serial data is often lost. You should see data populate in the ''Text Out'' field of the monitor window. Note that each byte of the ''Text In'' is incremented in the ''Text Out'' field.</li></ol>