Exemple ([http://newae.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=202#p1026 provided by GABRIEL_F]):
import logging<br> import time<br> from chipwhisperer.capture.auxiliary._base import AuxiliaryTemplate<br> from chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI import CWCoreAPI<br> from chipwhisperer.common.utils import util, timer<br> <br> <br> class SerialBeforeArm(AuxiliaryTemplate):<br> <nowiki>'''<br/nowiki> This auxillary module allows for serial data to be sent to the target<br> during the capture process i.e., before and after arming the scope<br> and after the trace has recorded. This enables the ability for the<br> scope to trigger on serial communication that need to start after a<br> reset but before the scope is armed and after.<br>
<br> Compare to SimpleSerial send Go Command.<br>
<br> TODO:<br> Parser to chop up multiple commands sent in single string seperated by<br> whitespace. Modify to iterate over returned lists.<br> <br> Uses non-blocking sleep methods poached from ResetCW1173Read.<br> <br> Gabe 25-NOV-16<br> <nowiki>'''<br> <br/nowiki>
_name = "Send Serial During Capture"<br>
<br> def __init__(self):<br> AuxiliaryTemplate.__init__(self)<br> self.getParams().addChildren([<br> {'name':'Pre-Arm Message', 'type':'str', 'key':'prearmmssg', 'value':''},<br>'' {'name':'Post-Arm Message', 'type':'str', 'key':'postarmmssg', 'value':''},<br>'' {'name':'Post-Capture Message', 'type':'str', 'key':'postcapmssg', 'value':''},<br>'' {'name':'Delay (Pre-Message)' , 'type':'int', 'key':'predelay', 'limits':(0, 10E3), 'value':0, 'suffix':' ms'},<br> {'name':'Delay (Post-Message)', 'type':'int', 'key':'postdelay', 'limits':(0, 10E3), 'value':0, 'suffix':' ms'},<br> {'name':'Test Reset', 'type':'action', 'action':self.testSend}<br> ])<br> <br> def traceArm(self):<br> """Before arming the scope, send some serial messages and wait"""<br> string = self.findParam('prearmmssg').getValue()<br> self.sendSerial(string)<br> <br> def traceArmPost(self):<br> """After arming the scope, send some serial message and wait"""<br> string = self.findParam('postarmmssg').getValue()<br> self.sendSerial(string)<br> <br> def traceDone(self):<br> """After the trace is captured, send some serial messages and wait"""<br> string = self.findParam('postcapmssg').getValue()<br> self.sendSerial(string)<br> <br> def sendSerial(self, string):<br> # """Send a string!<br>""" <br> if string is None or len(string) == 0:<br> return<br> <br> dly = self.findParam('predelay').getValue()<br> if dly > 0:<br> self.nonblockingSleep(dly / 1000.0)<br> <br> CWCoreAPI.getInstance().getTarget().ser.write(string)<br>
<br> dly = self.findParam('postdelay').getValue()<br> if dly > 0:<br> self.nonblockingSleep(dly / 1000.0)<br> <br> def nonblockingSleep_done(self):<br> self._sleeping = False<br> <br> def nonblockingSleep(self, stime):<br> """Sleep for given number of seconds (~50mS resolution), but don't block GUI while we do it"""<br> timer.Timer.singleShot(stime * 1000, self.nonblockingSleep_done)<br> self._sleeping = True<br> while(self._sleeping):<br> time.sleep(0.01)<br> util.updateUI()<br> <br> def testSend(self, _=None):<br>