
CW308T-STM32F/ChipWhisperer Bootloader

1,095 bytes added, 12:57, 18 July 2017
Created page with "The STM32Fx devices have a built-in bootloader, and the ChipWhisperer software as of 3.5.2 includes support for this bootloader. To access the bootloader you can perform these..."
The STM32Fx devices have a built-in bootloader, and the ChipWhisperer software as of 3.5.2 includes support for this bootloader. To access the bootloader you can perform these steps:

# Select the
#: [[File:arm_programmer.png]]
# Mount a jumper between the H1/H2 pins on the UFO board:
# Reset the ARM device either by pressing the reset button (newer UFO boards only), or by toggling power:
#: [[File:arm_togglepower.png]]
# Select the hex-file and press the "Program/Verify" button.
# The device should program, it may take a moment to fully program/verify on larger devices:
#: [[File:arm_programmed.png]]
# Remove the jumper between the H1/H2 pins.
# Reset the ARM device either by pressing the reset button (newer UFO boards only), or by toggling power:
#: [[File:arm_togglepower.png]]

Important notes:
# You MUST confirm a clock for the chip. This is easily done by selecting a start-up script such as the "AES SimpleSerial on XMEGA" startup script.
# On the STM32F1, you MUST adjust the clock frequency to by 8MHz. The bootloader does not work with our usual 7.37 MHz clock frequency.
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