
Tutorial B2 Viewing Instruction Power Differences

2,347 bytes added, 13:58, 28 September 2018
Setting Up the Example
/* End user-specific code here. *
<li><p>Change the terminal to the directory with your source, and run the same <code>make PLATFORM=CW303</code> command you did in [[Tutorial_B1_Building_a_SimpleSerial_Project]] to build the system. Remember you can press the up arrow on the keyboard to get recently typed commands in most OSes:</p>
<pre>make PLATFORM=CW303</pre>
<p>Which should have the following output, you will '''want to check the build platform is what you expect''':</p>
-------- end --------</pre></li>
or, if you have the CWLite with ARM:<pre>make PLATFORM=CWLITEARM CRYPTO_TARGET=TINYAES128C</pre><pre>...Bunch of lines removed...Linking: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elfarm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m4 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fmessage-length=0 -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER_1_1 -DSTM32F303xC -DSTM32F3 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f3 -DPLATFORM=CWLITEARM -DTINYAES128C -DF_CPU=7372800UL -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/simpleserial-base.o -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f3 -I.././hal/stm32f3/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f3/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f3/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f4/Legacy -I.././crypto/ -I.././crypto/tiny-AES128-C -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf.d objdir/simpleserial-base.o objdir/simpleserial.o objdir/stm32f3_hal.o objdir/stm32f3_hal_lowlevel.o objdir/stm32f3_sysmem.o objdir/aes.o objdir/aes-independant.o objdir/stm32f3_startup.o --output simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf --specs=nano.specs -T .././hal/stm32f3/LinkerScript.ld -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -Wl,,--cref -lm.Creating load file for Flash: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.hexarm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.hex.Creating load file for EEPROM: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.eeparm-none-eabi-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \ --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O ihex simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.eep || exit 0.Creating Extended Listing: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.lssarm-none-eabi-objdump -h -S -z simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf > simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.lss.Creating Symbol Table: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.symarm-none-eabi-nm -n simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf > simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.symSize after: text data bss dec hex filename 4588 8 1296 5892 1704 simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf+--------------------------------------------------------+ Built for platform CW-Lite Arm (STM32F3)+--------------------------------------------------------</pre><li>Following the instructions given in [[Tutorial_B1_Building_a_SimpleSerial_Project]], program the AVR or , XMEGA , or STM32 (ARM) with your new code. Note you __do not__ need to close the programming window. If you will be doing frequent modifications to the source code, this can simplify your life since you only need to hit the '''Program''' button in AVRStudio to download new code.</li>
<li>Ensure the hardware is setup as in [[Tutorial_B1_Building_a_SimpleSerial_Project]]. If using the CW1002, ensure the SMA cable is also connected as described in the previous tutorial.</li></ol>
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