
Building for XMEGA

64 bytes added, 22:29, 28 September 2018
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<li>We want to use the existing SimpleSerial firmware as a base for our project, but we don't want to edit the existing firmware. Instead, we'll make a new project with a copy of this firmware. Copy the directory of the firmware you want to modify in the <code>chipwhisperer/hardware/vicitims/firmware</code> to a new folder. For example, if you want to modify the <code>simpleserial-base</code> firmware, copy the contents of the <code>simpleserial-base</code> folder to a new one, while if you want to modify <code>simpleserial-aes</code>copy that folder instead. The name is arbitrary, but for this example, we'll call it <code>simpleserial-base-lab1</code>. You must keep it in the same directory, as it will reference other files within that directory for the build process.</li><li><dl><dt>Open a terminal with avr-gcc in the path. If using Windows the sidebar on the [[Installing_ChipWhisperer]] page - you can either add WinAVR to your system path, or you can run the 'winavr.bat' file suggested.</dt></dl>
<li><p>Change the terminal to the newly copied directory. For example:</p>
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