
CW305 Artix FPGA Target

446 bytes added, 16:05, 24 April 2016
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=== VCC-INT Decoupling Capacitors ===
=== VCC-AUX Shunt Resistor ===
There may be additional information in the VCC-AUX power supply however, for example monitoring JTAG state transitions. There is a secondary shunt position (by default with no shunt mounted) for exploration of the VCC-AUX power supply. This can be seen in the schematic here:
The shunt is located on the rear side of the PCB, as shown here:
If using this shunt, you must '''remove''' resistor R26 (which has a metal slug 0-ohm resistor mounted) and replace with an appropriately sized 0805 resistor (suggested: 1 ohm). You must also remove capacitor C98, C95, C97, C94, and C93. They can be seen in the above photo.
== Shunt Selection ==
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