
CW305 Artix FPGA Target

757 bytes added, 20:14, 12 June 2016
Running AES-128 Example
Accessing FPGA Registers
See the FPGA Projects section for importat important details of the FPGA design framework.
=== Setting PLL Frequency===
Note you can use the ChipWhisperer-Capture GUI to control the board, and translate your commands there into commands fed into the API. Doing this requires looking at the "Scripting Output" window. For example when performing a certain series of actions, the following might be printed to the window:   === Setting VCC-INT=== You can adjust the VCC-INT voltage using the following command: <syntaxhighlight lang="python">
#Set vcc-int to 0.95V
=== Turning Power On/Off ===
In addition to adjusting the VCC-INT supply, you can power cycle the FPGA target section. This can be used when you might expect faults to occur (such as after performing a glitch attack), where you want to ensure there are no errors such as CMOS latch-up occurring that can only be cleared by a power cycle.
=== Checking FPGA Status ===
==Programmatic Usage==
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