
Attacking TEA with CPA

6,085 bytes added, 15:17, 5 July 2016
Attacking the Key
== Attacking the Key ==
Since we know that our traces show us some leakage, we can complete our attack. We'll start a new script by writing functions to calculate our three attack point values:
def intermediate_1(v, k):
v1 = ( v[4] << 24
| v[5] << 16
| v[6] << 8
| v[7])
k0 = ( k[0] << 24
| k[1] << 16
| k[2] << 8
| k[3])
return ((v1 << 4) + k0) & 0xffffffff
def intermediate_2(v, k):
v1 = ( v[4] << 24
| v[5] << 16
| v[6] << 8
| v[7])
k1 = ( k[4] << 24
| k[5] << 16
| k[6] << 8
| k[7])
return ((v1 >> 5) + k1) & 0xffffffff
def intermediate_3(v, k):
v0 = ( v[0] << 24
| v[1] << 16
| v[2] << 8
| v[3])
v1 = ( v[4] << 24
| v[5] << 16
| v[6] << 8
| v[7])
k0 = ( k[0] << 24
| k[1] << 16
| k[2] << 8
| k[3])
k1 = ( k[4] << 24
| k[5] << 16
| k[6] << 8
| k[7])
int1 = ((v1 << 4) + k0) & 0xffffffff
int2 = (v1 + 0x9e3779b9) & 0xffffffff
int3 = ((v1 >> 5) + k1) & 0xffffffff
return v0 + (int1 ^ int2 ^ int3)
Then, we'll copy in the CPA attack script from Tutorial B6 and make some modifications. The full script for the TEA attack is:
traces = np.load('traces/O0_rand_traces.npy')
pt = np.load('traces/O0_rand_textin.npy')
knownkey = np.load('traces/O0_rand_keylist.npy')
#print knownkey
numtraces = np.shape(traces)[0]
numpoint = np.shape(traces)[1]
# Use less than the maximum traces by setting numtraces to something smaller
numtraces = 1000
bestguess = 0
cpaoutput = [0]*256
maxcpa = [0]*256
for kguess in range(0, 256):
print "Key = %02x: "%(kguess),
# Build our key guess
k = [0, 0, 0, kguess, 0, 0, 0, 0]
#Initialize arrays and variables to zero
sumnum = np.zeros(numpoint)
sumden1 = np.zeros(numpoint)
sumden2 = np.zeros(numpoint)
# Calculate hypothesis = Hamming weight of intermediate values
hyp = np.zeros(numtraces)
for tnum in range(0, numtraces):
int = (intermediate_1(pt[tnum], k) >> 0) & 0xff
hyp[tnum] = HW[int]
#Means of hypothesis and traces
meanh = np.mean(hyp, dtype=np.float64)
meant = np.mean(traces, axis=0, dtype=np.float64)
#For each trace, calculate correlation
for tnum in range(0, numtraces):
hdiff = (hyp[tnum] - meanh)
tdiff = traces[tnum,:] - meant
sumnum = sumnum + (hdiff*tdiff)
sumden1 = sumden1 + hdiff*hdiff
sumden2 = sumden2 + tdiff*tdiff
cpaoutput[kguess] = sumnum / np.sqrt( sumden1 * sumden2 )
maxcpa[kguess] = max(abs(cpaoutput[kguess]))
print maxcpa[kguess]
bestguess = np.argmax(maxcpa)
cparefs = np.argsort(maxcpa)[::-1]
print "Best Key Guess: %02x"%(bestguess)
print [hex(c) for c in cparefs]
There's one line of this script that we'll need to change a few times. In the key-guessing loop, we build the key by writing
k = [0, 0, 0, kguess, 0, 0, 0, 0]
and we calculate the intermediate value as
int = (intermediate_1(pt[tnum], k) >> 0) & 0xff
This means that we're only going to be modifying one byte of our guess - the other 7 bytes will remain unchanged - and we're only looking at the first byte of attack point 1. Once we're done attacking this byte, we can move our guess to a different byte and examine a different part of the intermediate value to continue the attack.
Run the script. You should see an output that looks like
Key = 00: 0.491256496954
Key = 01: 0.491256496954
Key = 02: 0.491256496954
Key = 03: 0.491256496954
Key = 04: 0.491256496954
Key = 05: 0.491256496954
Key = 06: 0.491256496954
Key = 07: 0.491256496954
Key = 08: 0.491256496954
Key = 09: 0.491256496954
Key = 0a: 0.491256496954
Key = 0b: 0.491256496954
Key = 0c: 0.491256496954
Key = 0d: 0.491256496954
Key = 0e: 0.491256496954
Key = 0f: 0.491256496954
Key = 10: 0.25438721963
Key = 11: 0.25438721963
Key = 12: 0.25438721963
Key = 13: 0.25438721963
Key = 14: 0.25438721963
Key = 15: 0.25438721963
Key = 16: 0.25438721963
Key = 17: 0.25438721963
Key = 18: 0.25438721963
Key = 19: 0.25438721963
Key = 1a: 0.25438721963
Key = 1b: 0.25438721963
Key = 1c: 0.25438721963
Key = 1d: 0.25438721963
Key = 1e: 0.25438721963
Key = 1f: 0.25438721963
Key = f0: 0.208801829135
Key = f1: 0.208801829135
Key = f2: 0.208801829135
Key = f3: 0.208801829135
Key = f4: 0.208801829135
Key = f5: 0.208801829135
Key = f6: 0.208801829135
Key = f7: 0.208801829135
Key = f8: 0.208801829135
Key = f9: 0.208801829135
Key = fa: 0.208801829135
Key = fb: 0.208801829135
Key = fc: 0.208801829135
Key = fd: 0.208801829135
Key = fe: 0.208801829135
Key = ff: 0.208801829135
Best Key Guess: 00
['0x0', '0xb', '0x4', '0x5', '0x6', '0x7', '0x8', '0xa', '0x9', '0x3', '0xc', '0xd', ...
This tells us a few things. First of all, like we expected, we can't attack the bottom four bits of <code>k[0]</code> because the correlation coefficient isn't affected by these bits. Second, the most likely value of the top four bits is <code>0x0</code>.
Change the attack script to
k = [0, 0, kguess, 0x00, 0, 0, 0, 0]
int = (intermediate_1(pt[tnum], k) >> 8) & 0xff
and run it again. The correlation coefficients should be much different. My output shows <code>Best Key Guess: 02</code>, which is correct.
Continue this process:
* Repeat the same attack for the first two bytes of the key. <code>intermediate_1</code> shifted by 16 and 24 bits should have no trouble with this.
* To get the other half of the key, change the attack to
k = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0, 0, 0, kguess]
int = (intermediate_2(pt[tnum], k) >> 0) & 0xff
: and attack all four bytes like before. Note that you will not recover the top 5 bits of <code>k[1]</code> this way.
* To clean up the two incomplete bytes, switch to <code>intermediate_3</code> and retry these two guesses.
If all goes well, you should be able to recover the entire key this way!
= More Ideas =