To get started, we need to make three connections to the CW305 target:
# We'll control the Artix-7 directly from the laptop via USB. This is done through the USB-B port on the left side of the board.(On the target, the Atmel SAM3U chip converts these USB packets into signals that the FPGA can understand.)
# We'll get control information for our power measurements through the 20-pin connector at the bottom of the board. This needs to be connected to your capture hardware (a ChipWhisperer Lite or Pro).
# Our power measurements will be done through an SMA cable. Depending on your capture setup, there are three SMA connectors that allow access to the power line in three ways (before the shunt resistor, after the shunt, and after a low noise amplifier). For the ChipWhisperer hardware, we'll connect the third one to our capture board.
== Data Flows ==
(Under construction)
= Target Firmware =