
CW1173 ChipWhisperer-Lite

2,131 bytes removed, 16:56, 19 May 2017
moving around pages for installation procedure clarity
== Connection Quick-Start ==
 <ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"><li>Install Python and Dependancies<dl><dt>Windows:</dt><dd><ul><li>Install Python distribution (such as WinPython), see [[Installing_WinPython]]</li><li><p>Using Follow the Python Command Prompt, use pip to install the following:</p><pre>pip install pysidepip install configobjpip install pyusbpip install pyqtgraph </pre></li></ul> <blockquote><p>What is included in releases varies. If you get a message saying it is already installed you can simply continue with this tutorial.</p></blockquote></dd><dt>Linux:</dt><dd><ul><li><p>Python should come pre-installed. If so you'll also need to install the following from your package manager:</p><blockquote><ul><li>pyside</li><li>configobj</li><li>scipy</li><li>numpy</li></ul> <p>For example the following shows the install command for Ubuntu:</p><pre>sudo apt-get install python2.7 python2.7-dev python2.7-libs python-numpy python-scipy python-pyside python-configobj python-setuptools python-pip</pre></blockquote></li><li><p>Some packages may require installation via 'pip', as they are not always in your package manager repo:</p><pre>$pip install pyusb$pip install pyqtgraph </pre></li></ul></dd><dt>Mac OS-X:</dt><dd><ul><li>Install homebrew, pyside, libusb, along with required Python modules.</li><li>See [[MacOSX_InstallationInstalling ChipWhisperer|Installing ChipWhisperer]] instructions for full details.</li></ul></dd></dl></li><li><p>Download and install ChipWhisperer</p><ul><li>Download the latest release linked from</li><li>Unzip the file somewhere. Generally 'somewhere' will become your ChipWhisperer working directory. These examples assume you've chosen <code>C:\chipwhisperer</code> as your working directory.</li><li><p>Open a Python terminal (again if using WinPython be sure to run the specific Python command prompt), software and run the following, adjusting paths as needed to refelct your working directory:</p><pre>cd c:\chipwhisperer\openadc\controlsw\pythonpython setupits developcd c:\chipwhisperer\softwarepython develop</pre></li></ul> <blockquote><p>If you wish to confirm the installation worked, you can run ChipWhispererAnalyzer in the same terminal:</p><pre>cd c:\chipwhisperer\software\chipwhispererpython CWAnalyzer.pyw</pre></blockquote></li>
<li>Connect ChipWhisperer-Lite, install USB Drivers: