
Updating references to software
You can follow along with this video for details of this page too:
[[File:youtube-glitch.png|YouTubeGlitch]]__hardware set
= Background on Clock Glitching =
<li>As the ''Scope Module'', select the ''ChipWhisperer/OpenADC'' option</li>
<li>As the ''Target Module'', select the ''Simple Serial'' option</li>
<li>Switch to the ''Scope Settings'' tab, and as the ''connection'', select the ''ChipWhisperer Rev2NewAE USB (CWLite/CW1200)'' or ''ChipWhisperer-LiteSerial Port (LX9)'' option</li><li>Switch to the ''Target Settings'' tab, and as the ''connection'', select the ''ChipWhisperer Rev2NewAE USB (CWLite/CW1200)'' or ''ChipWhisperer-LiteSerial Port (LX9)'' option</li>
<li>Run connect on both the Scope &amp; Target. They should both switch to green circles indicating the system is connected.</li></ol>
<p>If you uncheck the ''RX: Show non-ASCII as hex'' you will not see the red text with ASCII values of newline (<code>0a</code>).</p></blockquote>
<p>Sometimes the &quot;reset&quot; message won't appear. This happens often on the virtual machine version, or if your host computer is slow or loaded. Generally you can ignore this error, for example in the video version the welcome message is never printed. You will just have to trust the system is reseting resetting correctly.</p></blockquote></li></ol>