
Tutorial B1 Building a SimpleSerial Project

4,849 bytes removed, 15:45, 1 October 2018
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|capture hardware = CW-Lite, CW-Lite 2-Part, CW-Pro
|Target Device =
|Target Architecture = XMEGA/ARM/Other
|Hardware Crypto = No
|Purchase Hardware =
<h2> What is SimpleSerial </h2>
[[SimpleSerial]] is the communications protocol used for almost all of the ChipWhisperer demo project. It's a very basic serial protocol which can be easily implemented on most systems. This system communicates using a standard asyncronous asynchronous serial protocol, 38400 baud, 8-N-1.
All messages are sent in ASCII-text, and are normally terminated with a line-feed ('\n'). This allows you to interact with the simpleserial system over a standard terminal emulator.
: This is the response from the system. If data has been encrypted with a 'p' for example, the system will respond with the 'r' sequence automatically. So sending the earlier example means the result of the encryption was <code>cbbd4a2b34f2571758ff6a797e09859d</code>.
<h2> Building the Basic Example </h2>For this example, we'll be working off of <h3code> Building For the XMEGA Target simpleserial-base</h3code>firmware, which by default just echos the 16 bytes we send to the target back to us.{{CollapsibleSection|intro = === Building for CWLite with XMEGA Target ===|content= Building for XMEGA}}
You'll need to have installed avr-gcc and avr-libc. You may have already done this by following the installation guide, or if using the ChipWhisperer-VM it comes prepared with avr-gcc already setup. See the [[Installing_ChipWhisperer]] guide for details.{{CollapsibleSection Once you have a working compiler (check by typing 'avr-gcc' at the command line - if using Windows you may need to setup a special batch file to provide you with a avr-gcc command prompt). <ol style|intro = =="list-style-type: decimal;"><li>We want to use the existing SimpleSerial firmware as a base for our project, but we don't want to edit the existing firmware. Instead, we'll make a new project with a copy of this firmware. Copy the directory <code>simpleserial-base</code> which is found at <code>chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/firmware/</code> of the chipwhisperer release to a new directory called <code>simpleserial-base-lab1</code>. You must keep it in the same directory, as it will reference other files within that directory for the build process.</li><li><dl><dt>Open a terminal with avr-gcc in the path. If using Windows the sidebar on the [[Installing_ChipWhisperer]] page - you can either add WinAVR to your system path, or you can run the 'winavr.bat' file suggested.</dt></dl></li><li><p>Change the terminal to the newly copied directory. For example:</p>Windows:<pre>cd c:\chipwhisperer\hardware\victims\firmware\simpleserial-base-lab1</pre>Linux/macOS:<pre>cd chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/firmware/simpleserial-base-lab1</pre></li><li><p>Then, run <code>make</code> to build the system. Make sure you specify which platform you're using as your target. For example, for the ChipWhisperer Lite target, run</p><pre>make PLATFORM=CW303</pre><p>Which should have the following output:</p><pre>...Bunch of lines removed...Creating Extended Listing: simpleserial-base.lssavr-objdump -h -S -z simpleserial-base.elf &gt; simpleserial-base.lss Creating Symbol Table: simpleserial-base.symavr-nm -n simpleserial-base.elf &gt; simpleserial-base.sym Size after:AVR Memory Usage----------------Device: atxmega128d3 Program: 1524 bytes (1.1% Full)(.text + .data + .bootloader) Data: 224 bytes (2.7% Full)(.data + .bss + .noinit)  Built for platform CW-Lite XMEGA -------- end --------</pre></li>Ensure that the "Built for platform ___" matches your target device.</ol> <h3> Building for the ARM CWLite with Arm Target </h3>You'll need to have installed the GNU Embedded Toolchain for ARM. If you haven't yet, see the [[Installing_ChipWhisperer]] guide, specifically the '''Installing ARM Toolchain''' section, for details. Once you have a working compiler (check by typing 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' at the command line). <ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"><li>We want to use the existing SimpleSerial firmware as a base for our project, but we don't want to edit the existing firmware. Instead, we'll make a new project with a copy of this firmware. Copy the directory <code>simpleserial-base</code> which is found at <code>chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/firmware/</code> of the chipwhisperer release to a new directory called <code>simpleserial-base-lab1</code>. You must keep it in the same directory, as it will reference other files within that directory for the build process.</li><li><dl><dt>Open a terminal with arm-none-eabi-gcc in the path. If using Windows the sidebar on the [[Installing_ChipWhisperer]] page</dt></dl></li><li><p>Change the terminal to the newly copied directory. For example:</p>Windows:<pre>cd c:\chipwhisperer\hardware\victims\firmware\simpleserial-base-lab1</pre>Linux/macOS:<pre>cd chipwhisperer/hardware/victims/firmware/simpleserial-base-lab1</pre></li><li><p>Then, run <code>make</code> to build the system. Make sure you specify which platform you're using as your target. For example, for the ChipWhisperer Lite target, run</p><pre>make PLATFORM=CWLITEARM CRYPTO_TARGET=TINYAES128C</pre><p>Which should have the following output:</p><pre>...Bunch of lines removed...Linking: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elfarm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu|content=cortex-m4 -I. -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fmessage-length=0 -ffunction-sections -gdwarf-2 -DSS_VER=SS_VER_1_1 -DSTM32F303xC -DSTM32F3 -DSTM32 -DDEBUG -DHAL_TYPE=HAL_stm32f3 -DPLATFORM=CWLITEARM -DTINYAES128C -DF_CPU=7372800UL -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=objdir/simpleserial-base.o -I.././simpleserial/ -I.././hal -I.././hal/stm32f3 -I.././hal/stm32f3/CMSIS -I.././hal/stm32f3/CMSIS/core -I.././hal/stm32f3/CMSIS/device -I.././hal/stm32f4/Legacy -I.././crypto/ -I.././crypto/tiny-AES128-C -std=gnu99 -MMD -MP -MF .dep/simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf.d objdir/simpleserial-base.o objdir/simpleserial.o objdir/stm32f3_hal.o objdir/stm32f3_hal_lowlevel.o objdir/stm32f3_sysmem.o objdir/aes.o objdir/aes-independant.o objdir/stm32f3_startup.o --output simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf --specs=nano.specs -T .././hal/stm32f3/LinkerScript.ld -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -Wl,,--cref -lm.Creating load file Building for Flash: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.hexarm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.hex.Creating load file for EEPROM: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.eeparm-none-eabi-objcopy -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \ --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 --no-change-warnings -O ihex simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.eep || exit 0.Creating Extended Listing: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.lssarm-none-eabi-objdump -h -S -z simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf > simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.lss.Creating Symbol Table: simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.symarm-none-eabi-nm -n simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf > simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.symSize after: text data bss dec hex filename 4588 8 1296 5892 1704 simpleserial-base-CWLITEARM.elf+--------------------------------------------------------+ Built for platform CW-Lite Arm (STM32F3)+--------------------------------------------------------</pre></li>Ensure that the "Built for platform ___" matches your target device.</ol>}}
|intro = === Building for Other Targets ===
|content= Building for Other Targets}}
<h2> Modifying the Basic Example </h2>
<li>Rebuild the example using the <code>make</code> command. Remember you can press the up arrow on the keyboard to get recently typed commands in most OSes.</li></ol>
== Hardware Setup ==
|intro = === Completing Tutorial with CW1173 (Lite) With XMEGAHardware Setup ===|content= Completing Tutorial with CW1173CWLite HW Setup}}
|intro = === Completing Tutorial with CW1173 CW1200 (LitePro) With ARMHardware Setup ===|content= Completing Tutorial with CW1173 ARMCW1200 HW Setup}}
|intro = === Completing Tutorial with CW1173 CW308 (LiteUFO) + UFO Board Hardware Setup ===|content= Completing Tutorial with CW1173 UFO BoardCW308 HW Setup}}
== Programming the Target ==
|intro = === Completing Tutorial with CW1200 Programming the XMEGA Target ===|content= Programming XMEGA}} {{CollapsibleSection|intro = === Programming the STM32F3 (ProCW303 Arm) Target ===|content= Completing Tutorial with CW1200Programming Arm}} {{CollapsibleSection|intro = === Programming Other Targets ===|content= Programming Other}} == Completing the Tutorial ==Now that the target has the modified firmware, there's only a few steps left to completing the tutorial. Note that if you've closed ChipWhisperer Capture since programming the device, you'll need to rerun the and target setup scripts:# Open the status monitor under <i>Tools > Encryption Status Monitor</i>.# Resize the monitor window. The monitor will show sent &amp; received data to the target.# Hit the ''Run 1'' button ([[File:Capture One Button.PNG|image|link=]]). You may have to hit it a few times, as the very first serial data is often lost. You should see data populate in the ''Text Out'' field of the monitor window. Note that each byte of the ''Text In'' is incremented in the ''Text Out'' field.
<h2> Conclusion </h2>
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