
MATLAB Control of CW-Lite

380 bytes added, 01:45, 29 November 2016
Running Examples
cw =
Python CWCoreAPI with properties:
sigNewProject: [1x1 py.chipwhisperer.common.utils.util.Signal]
valid_aux: [1x1 py.collections.OrderedDict]
sigCampaignDone: [1x1 py.chipwhisperer.common.utils.util.Signal]
valid_preprocessingModules: [1x1 py.collections.OrderedDict]
<chipwhisperer.common.api.CWCoreAPI.CWCoreAPI object at 0x000000013312FD30>
You can run a number of measure_AES() calls with the same cw object without running cwconnect() again. Note if you want to reconnect, you will first need to run cw.disconnect() to close the USB connection.
If you receive 'device in use' error messages, this is likely the problem. You can also simply unplug/replug the USB connection to force-close any existing connections.
Approved_users, bureaucrat, administrator