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CW1200 HW Setup

901 bytes added, 15:37, 28 September 2018
Created page with "This tutorial uses the CW1200_ChipWhisperer-Pro hardware. # Remove the ChipWhisperer-Pro main capture hardware, UFO Board, and SMA cable from the ChipWhisperer-Pro case...."
This tutorial uses the [[CW1200_ChipWhisperer-Pro]] hardware.

# Remove the ChipWhisperer-Pro main capture hardware, UFO Board, and SMA cable from the ChipWhisperer-Pro case.
# Attached the UFO board to the ChipWhisperer-Pro with the 20-pin cable, and connect the '''VOUT''' SMA connector to the '''MEASURE''' input.
# Power up the ChipWhisperer-Pro with the 5V DC power adapter, and connect the USB cable to the computer.
# If this the first time powering up, you will need to install the drivers (see [[CW1200_ChipWhisperer-Pro]]).


Note if you have modified the UFO board the jumpers may no longer be at default locations. The jumper settings required are:


# XMEGA Target board mounted
# J3 routes HS2/OUT to CLKIN
# J1 set to "J5-VREF" (right two pins shorted)
# J14 set to "FILT" (left two pins shorted)
# "3.3V SRC" switch set to "J1/CW"
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