Tutorial CW305-4 Voltage Glitching with Crowbars

Revision as of 10:47, 18 January 2017 by Gdeon (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 10:47, 18 January 2017 by Gdeon (Talk | contribs)

Background Information

- Difficulties with voltage glitching

 - FPGAs do everything at the same time
 - SRAM holds configuration

- Crowbar circuit


Hardware Setup

- SMA cable - Picture

Software Setup

- Script - Bitstream (same as Tutorial 1) - Glitch module setup

 - Glitch only
 - HS-Glitch

- Same idea as Tutorial 3


- Might be easier on the edge of working conditions - Changing core voltage level - Changing clock speed

 - CLKGEN output
 - CW305 PLL
 - Max speed depends on FPGA implementation

- Enable-only output

 - Only use repeat and offset
 - EXTCLK for speed-up