{{Warningbox|This section has been recently updated for ChipWhisperer 5. The previous version can be found here: https://wiki.newae.com/V4:CW1173_ChipWhisperer-Lite/XMEGA_Programmer}}
The "GLITCH" port is used for voltage glitching. It's connected to two MOSFET elements, as the following figure shows:
The CW1173 glitch output can be commanded to turn on either of those MOSFETs via the "Glitch Out Enable" checkboxes<code>scope.io.glitch_hp</code> and <code>scope.io.glitch_lp</code> fields:
<blockquotesyntaxhighlight lang=python>[[File:glitch_guiscope.png|image]]io.glitch_hp = True #enable high power glitchscope.io.glitch_hp = False #disable high power glitch scope.io.glitch_lp = True #enable low power glitchscope.io.glitch_lp = False #disable low power glitch</blockquotesyntaxhighlight> Be careful using this feature, as you don't want to short the MOSFETs for too long. It's also possible to damage the ChipWhisperer-Lite by burning these MOSFETs up if used incorrectly. See tutorial Fault_2 (https://chipwhisperer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/fault_2-openadc-cwlitearm.html#A3 tutorial-fault-2-openadc-cwlitearm) for more information on using this feature.